Friday 15 June 2012

STN Translation Service

Want to tweet your favourite K-Pop idol but you don't know Korean? Well say goodbye to Google Translate because the new exciting STN service has been launched.

STN allows you to write your message in your native tongue and then using implementation testing, the service will find the most appropriate English translation so your translation will be much more accurate.

How does it work?

1. If you want your message to be translated to a K-Pop idol, first you must select the idol you want to tweet to. However, if you just want the translation or general purposes click on 'general short translation request'.

2. Then you will be directed to a page that looks somewhat like that:

Select the language you have written your message in. There is a large drop-list of choice so if native tongue is not English, don't worry. Then in the grey area type your message. You may be asked to sign into your Twitter account. This is just so that when you want to sent your message to any given idol, it can easily be tweeted to them. Once you have finished writing your message, click 'Request to translate Korean Language'

3. Once you have submitted your message, it will appear below in the 'Requested Message' section. Here is an example:

At the moment there is a '0' next to 'Number of Paraphrasing' as no-one has translated it yet. But when people attempt to translate it, I will be able to check it.
An example of this can be seen below:

The message requested for translation was' A fan mail in your language will be translated into Korean language and sent to Korean stars'. There was an immediate machine translation but as that might not be accurate, native Korean speakers or people who understand Korean well can offer a translation. Depending on whether their translation is accurate, other users can vote it up or down. Simple!

Give it a go now and see what you think.

Click here to translate your message or you can click on the STN widget on the right hand side in the sidebar.

Let us know what you think about this amazing software.

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