Saturday 25 February 2012

K-Pop Academy [Week 1]

As promised, I'm going to write about how my first day at the K-Pop Academy was. =)

Class started at 2pm and luckily I arrived on time. As I entered the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC), I was asked for my name and told I had to take a registration picture. I had to hold a sign saying K-Pop Academy on it. I felt like I was taking a criminal mug shot. Haha~..

Lots of students had already arrived and getting to know each other which made me positive that we'd all have an awesome time. I was given a rucksack with Korean snacks and a K-Pop calender. Thanks KCC.

K-Pop Academy rucksack
All the Korean snacks in the rucksack
We were then taken to the lecture room where we were given a brief introduction to the course, before we all gave short presentations about ourselves. It was awesome to hear how people found out about K-Pop and who their favourite bands were. Even though I adore almost every K-Pop group out there, as 2pm are my ultimate favourites I was looking out for fellow Hottest. Lol..

After a short break we were then given a lecture about Korean history and how it became the South Korea we now know and love. It was pretty intense learning 500,000 years worth of history in just one hour but it was extremely interesting none the less. I learnt a lot about the various dynasties that I had wanted to know for a long time which was great.

Also, we were set homework which was to watch a movie or drama about it and then review about it by either a blog post or vlog etc. Hmm, I might attempt to do a vlog for the first time ever but I'm kind of worried I'll suck at it. But there's nothing wrong with trying eh?

Class picture
Credits: KCCUK
Following this, we were then given a tour of the 'A New Space Around The Body' exhibition in the KCC. I had already been given a tour of it on Wednesday during my Korean class but this time it was given in English rather than Korean so I understood it a lot better this time round.

Then to celebrate the end of our first class together, a few of us went to eat at Seoul Bakery. Ddeokbboki and kimbap. Yum yum. A great way to end the day.

I'm excited for what the next 11 weeks will hold.



  1. What a nice blog, you have a new follower here ^ ^
    See you soon, classmate ^ ^

    1. Hey hey.. Nice meeting you~!
      Thanks.. I'm following you too now.. =P
      See you on Saturday..

  2. wow it's interesting,and your next 11 weeks will be great^^.. there's a KCC in Indonesia too but i don't know it's same like in UK or not..

    btw,do you find any hottest there?cause i'm hottest too,kkk..i wish i was there,so we can chat along,kkk.. :D

    1. Really? They've started the KPop Academy recently.. I'll keep you posted on what we do and maybe you can encourage the KCC in Indonesia to introduce something similar.. =)

      Erm I have met people that like 2PM but not any hardcore Hottest.. T__T Yeh that would be awesome. Spazzing about 2pm, haha. Who's your favourite member? ^0^
